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Refuge Picos de Europa
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Best Refuges in the Picos de Europa

The chances are, if you’re planning a mountain hiking trip in Spain, you’ll be familiar with the appeal of the Picos de Europa. Perhaps a little less well-known are the selection of mountain refuges in which you can bunk down. 

These ‘refugios’ range from medium-sized, well-equipped mountain hostels to tiny, more basic cabins. All have one thing in common, though: after a hard day’s hiking in the mountains, they offer a roof over your head, a warm bed for the night, and an utterly spectacular setting.

From Cantabria and Asturias to León, here are the nine refuges in the Picos de Europa:

Refugio de Ándara

This simple but comfortable 20-person refuge is tucked into the rocky folds of Pico Mancondiú at an altitude of 1,725m.

Location: Cillórigo de Liébana (Cantabria); +34 635 425 228; https://reservarefugios.com/es/refugios/caseton-de-andara.


Refugio de Cabaña Verónica

Made from the old gun of an American aircraft carrier, this tiny cabin (sleeping just 6) is a dizzying 2,325m up.

Location: Camaleño (Cantabria); +34 663 516 456; https://www.reservarefugios.com/es/refugios/cabana-veronica.

Refugio de Collado Jermoso    

Sleeping up to 30 people, with lunch and evening meals available, this refuge is one of the Picos' better equipped.

Location: Posada de Valdeón (León); +34 636 998 727; www.colladojermoso.com


Refugio Jou de los Cabrones

Despite its extreme remoteness, Asturias's highest mountain refuge sleeps 20 people in comfy bunk beds as well as offering food and drink.

Location: Cabrales (Asturias); +34 650 780 381; www.refugiojoudeloscabrones.com.

Refugio La Terenosa

A shepherd's huts-style cabin that’s cosy, comfortable and convenient, with a location that makes for a great jump-off point for the Collado Pandebano route.

Location: Cabrales (Asturias); +34 630 552 016; https://www.reservarefugios.com/es/refugios/terenosa


Refugio Vegabaño

On the Anillo de Vindio trail, this refuge is surrounded by lush meadows and stunning beech and oak forests.

Location: Majada de Vegabaño – Soto de Sajambre (León); +34 699 633 244; www.refugiopicos.com


Refugio de Vegarredonda

Sleeping up to 63 people and with a full dining service, this larger refugio is ideal for families and walking groups doing the Anillo Vindio loop.

Location: T.M. de Cangas de Onís (Asturias); +34 626 343 366; www.refugiovegarredonda.com


Refugio de Vega de Ario

One of the most dramatically located of all the Picos de Europa’s refuges, Vega de Ario is an ideal overnight stop at the end of the Lagos de Covadonga route.

Location: T.M. de Onís (Asturias); +34 656 843 095; www.refugiovegadeario.es


Refugio de Vega de Urriellu

With a location in the shadow of Picu Urriellu, one of the Picos’ most iconic climbs, this refuge has been a haven for hikers in the region since 1954.

Location: T.M. de Cabrales (Asturias); www.refugiodeurriellu.com

General Information

The opening period for the refuges in the Picos de Europa depends on how each is staffed with wardens, but generally, their active season spans from Easter until early December. 

However, all the shelters we’ve listed have an accessible room with bunk beds and blankets for emergency situations.

You can contact the refuges and make reservations through their respective websites or at the following address: www.reservarefugios.com

Other Places to Stay in the Picos de Europa

In addition to its remote mountain refuges, the Picos de Europa have more than their fair share of other great places to stay.

We’ve pulled together a series of links to accommodation (in Spanish) as a handy resource.

Accommodation in Asturias


Accommodation in Cantabria


Accommodation in León


Planning a walking holiday in the Picos de Europa? Check out our hut to hut hiking tour of the Anillo Vindio loop.
