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Goat in Picos de Europa
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Wildlife of the Picos de Europa

The great diversity of habitats in the National Park provides a wide range of fauna with species belonging to each and every level of the food chain. Bears, wolves, chamois, capercaillies, vultures, golden eagles, and most recently, bearded vultures (which are being reintroduced into the protected area) are just some of the fauna present in the Park.

Small carnivorous animals, a great number of forest birds, bats, fish, and a variety of amphibians and reptiles (including some native Iberian) provide a richness in fauna of great biological importance to the National Park.


Some of the animal species you can find in the Picos de Europa

Iberian wolf

Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus)

Once heavily persecuted, the Iberian wolf is slowly recovering in the Picos de Europa, though it remains vulnerable due to habitat fragmentation and conflicts with livestock farming. Conservation efforts aim to protect the species while balancing local concerns. Fortunately or unfortunately, are very difficult to see.


Bear in Picos de Europa

Cantabrian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos)

This endangered brown bear subspecies has seen a slow but steady increase in numbers, thanks to conservation programs. However, habitat degradation and human disturbance still pose threats to its long-term survival. Again, fortunately or unfortunately, are very difficult to see while hiking.


Bearded vulture (Quebrantahuesos)

Bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)

After disappearing from the region, the bearded vulture (Qebrantahuesos in Spanish) has been successfully reintroduced. Conservation efforts, including food supplementation and nest protection, are helping the population grow.


Chamois Picos de Europa

Chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica parva)

This agile mountain goat (Rebeco in Sanish) is thriving in the Picos de Europa, easily adapting to the rugged terrain. It is a common sight in the high-altitude meadows and rocky slopes.


Western capercaillie

Western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus)

This elusive bird is one of the most endangered species in the park. Its population is declining due to habitat loss, climate change, and human disturbance, making it a priority for conservation efforts.


Golden eagle

Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

A majestic predator of the skies, the golden eagle maintains a stable population in the Picos de Europa. These powerful birds can often be seen soaring over cliffs and open landscapes, hunting for prey.


Fire salamander

Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) & Iberian frog (Rana iberica)

Amphibians in the park are particularly sensitive to climate change and habitat destruction. The fire salamander thrives in humid forests, while the Iberian frog, endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, depends on clean, cold streams to survive.

